I’m smoking Ennerdale in a MM apple diplomat and drinking a glass of sweet tea. It’s a perfect mid-70’s with no humidity. I could sit here the rest of the evening, but the wife has other plans, so I’ll enjoy it while I can. Cheers!
Dan Tobacco’s The Raven, a mild English with a subtle almond top to it, in this Blakemar Aristocrat and a bottle of Funnel Blower Dark Vanilla Porter to go with it.
Did a second set of walking reps, and am not far from finishing this bowl of unreleased Sutliff VaPer in a 1970's straight rusticated black Savinelli Estella 915 KS billiard with a flared top and pearl brown acrylic saddle stem. Haven't smoked this old reliable VaPer pipe in a long time, but does make a good walking pipe. I think I'll give it more action.
Finishing my jar of epiphany in an Orlik deluxe. With the exception of some deer tongue that’s the last of my C&D. Cheerio old friend. You steered me in a good direction