FVF in a Cavicchi billiard.
weezell Lifer Oct 12, 2011 13,653 49,171 May 11, 2015 #502 Cornell & Diehl: Billy Budd in a unfinished Sav Zulu...
virginiacob Can't Leave Dec 30, 2013 450 7 May 11, 2015 #503 Sutliff 1849 in an Old Dominion "Williamsburg" clay pipe.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,454 673,754 May 11, 2015 #504 Peterson’s Sherlock Holmes in my trusty 1970s smooth three quarter bend Peterson System Standard 305.
Peterson’s Sherlock Holmes in my trusty 1970s smooth three quarter bend Peterson System Standard 305.
davet Lifer May 9, 2015 3,815 334 Estey's Bridge N.B Canada May 11, 2015 #507 Captain Black Red Sky in my little no name, like em both
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,454 673,754 May 11, 2015 #510 Half way through this bowl of Peter Stokkebye Cube Cut in a 1980s Peterson 314 Full Bend black Sandblast system pipe.
Half way through this bowl of Peter Stokkebye Cube Cut in a 1980s Peterson 314 Full Bend black Sandblast system pipe.
cortezattic Lifer Nov 19, 2009 15,147 7,642 Chicago, IL May 12, 2015 #511 Mac Baren Acadian Perique in a GBD Prehistoric bent pot with a diamond shank.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,454 673,754 May 12, 2015 #512 D&R Athey in a 1978 smooth golden brown Lorenzo Adria Standard 733 full bend egg.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,454 673,754 May 12, 2015 #513 Tsuge Mystery of Autumn in a 2002 IMP smooth full bend egg shaped meer.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,454 673,754 May 12, 2015 #514 Almost finished smoking D&R Ryback in a 1970s smooth medium bend Stanwell Rego 969-48 Design Choice 837 sitter with a vulcanite stem and ferrule.
Almost finished smoking D&R Ryback in a 1970s smooth medium bend Stanwell Rego 969-48 Design Choice 837 sitter with a vulcanite stem and ferrule.
andystewart Lifer Jan 21, 2014 3,972 5 May 12, 2015 #515 Andy's Odds & Sods (end of tins/pouches/jars) in a Rattrays Short Fellow 60. Andy
metalheadycigarguy Lifer Apr 26, 2012 3,715 9,656 Washington State May 12, 2015 #516 Enjoying a bowl of Esoterica Penzance in my Vauen 0061 bent apple.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,454 673,754 May 12, 2015 #517 Dunhill My Mixture BB1938 in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,454 673,754 May 12, 2015 #518 Half way through this bowl of Peretti’s #333 in a very much appreciated 1979 brown, slight bend grain etched flat front Stanwell Rego 969-48 (09).
Half way through this bowl of Peretti’s #333 in a very much appreciated 1979 brown, slight bend grain etched flat front Stanwell Rego 969-48 (09).
porshcigar Lifer May 10, 2009 1,820 2 Naperville May 12, 2015 #519 Murdock's Pipe, in a smooth, bent freehand.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,454 673,754 May 12, 2015 #520 Couldn't sleep, so I smoked Angler's Dream in a 2001 Karl Erik Ekstravagant A medium bend with a pointy bottom and a wide top. Can't go fishin', so I'll try sleepin' again.
Couldn't sleep, so I smoked Angler's Dream in a 2001 Karl Erik Ekstravagant A medium bend with a pointy bottom and a wide top. Can't go fishin', so I'll try sleepin' again.