1Q in a Peterson Irish Harp B10
lordofthepiperings Lifer May 3, 2010 6,553 1,982 Las Vegas, NV May 28, 2014 #1,481 1Q in a Peterson Irish Harp B10
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,541 May 28, 2014 #1,482 Heine's Blend in a 1981 smooth full bend Mauro Series Two 315 p-lip that copies the Peterson system.
conlejm Lifer Mar 22, 2014 1,433 8 May 28, 2014 #1,483 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake in a Peterson XXL Sandblast Full Bent House Pipe
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,541 May 28, 2014 #1,484 Sutliff PS Court of St. James in a 2003 straight grain Karl Erik Ekstravagant A medium bend freehand sitter.
Sutliff PS Court of St. James in a 2003 straight grain Karl Erik Ekstravagant A medium bend freehand sitter.
conlejm Lifer Mar 22, 2014 1,433 8 May 28, 2014 #1,485 Mac Baren HH Acadian Perique in a Peterson Premier System B42 Darwin
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,541 May 28, 2014 #1,486 Almost finished smoking Dutch Masters Whiskey Cavendish in a 2013 slight bend grain etched briar Rekamepip Volcano with a walnut shank.
Almost finished smoking Dutch Masters Whiskey Cavendish in a 2013 slight bend grain etched briar Rekamepip Volcano with a walnut shank.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,541 May 28, 2014 #1,487 Sutliff PS Taste of Spring in a 2003 IMP horn Meer. Very enjoyable.
petes03 Lifer Jun 23, 2013 6,212 10,661 The Hills of Tennessee May 28, 2014 #1,488 Mac Baren VCF in a Peterson "86" Outdoor nose warmer.
cigrmaster Lifer May 26, 2012 20,248 57,314 67 Sarasota Florida May 28, 2014 #1,489 John Aylesbury Luxury Flake in a Rad Davis Rhodesian.
ravkesef Lifer Aug 10, 2010 3,045 12,706 82 Cheshire, CT May 28, 2014 #1,490 Experimental LVIP in a meerschaum billiard.
redheadedsmoker Starting to Get Obsessed Feb 11, 2014 221 1 Iowa May 28, 2014 #1,491 MM's Country Gentleman in a MM Eaton.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,541 May 28, 2014 #1,492 Sutliff PS County Cork in a smooth straight late 1970s Tinderbox Selected Grecian Briar Dublin.
cosmicfolklore Moderator Staff member Aug 9, 2013 35,957 85,771 Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC May 28, 2014 #1,493 I had some Marlin Flake in a bulldog, but when I was caught out in the field away from the house in a rain storm it got soaked. So now, I am having some Marlin Flake in a Nording Valhalla 204 while my bulldog dries. :?
I had some Marlin Flake in a bulldog, but when I was caught out in the field away from the house in a rain storm it got soaked. So now, I am having some Marlin Flake in a Nording Valhalla 204 while my bulldog dries. :?
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,541 May 28, 2014 #1,494 Royal Yacht in a 1970s smooth GBD 9665 slight bend with a rough top flat bottom sitter.
cigrmaster Lifer May 26, 2012 20,248 57,314 67 Sarasota Florida May 28, 2014 #1,495 Astleys no 44 Dark Flake in a Bruce Weaver Rhodesian.
thesmokindragon Lifer Jul 12, 2011 4,142 4,551 The Matrix May 28, 2014 #1,496 Peterson's UF in a Radice Clear Cutty w/side of Goose+Tonic...good afternoon/eve to all ::
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,541 May 28, 2014 #1,497 Sutliff PS Archduke Ferdinand in a 1979 no name French briar smooth full bend egg.
Perique Lifer Sep 20, 2011 4,098 3,886 www.tobaccoreviews.com May 28, 2014 #1,498 Peterson Irish Oak in a Peterson 106
P plateauguy Lifer Mar 19, 2013 2,412 21 May 28, 2014 #1,499 Erinmore in Savinelli Series III bent apple
cosmicfolklore Moderator Staff member Aug 9, 2013 35,957 85,771 Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC May 28, 2014 #1,500 The dogs go nuts when they see me pack my pipe at this time of day. I will be walking them with a bulldog full of Blackjack.
The dogs go nuts when they see me pack my pipe at this time of day. I will be walking them with a bulldog full of Blackjack.