Boswell's Northwoods in a smooth Savinelli Marron Glace 320 KS.
redheadedsmoker Starting to Get Obsessed Feb 11, 2014 221 1 Iowa May 25, 2014 #1,361 Boswell's Northwoods in a smooth Savinelli Marron Glace 320 KS.
mrjerke Lifer Jun 10, 2013 1,323 29 Midwest May 25, 2014 #1,362 PH Dark Strong Flake in a Mark Tinsky Tan Blast Canadian.
Perique Lifer Sep 20, 2011 4,098 3,886 May 25, 2014 #1,363 Previously, Pipeworks & Wilke No.191 in a Country Gent. Currently packing Pipeworks & Wilke Pipemaker's Choice into an Invicta Briars banker.
Previously, Pipeworks & Wilke No.191 in a Country Gent. Currently packing Pipeworks & Wilke Pipemaker's Choice into an Invicta Briars banker.
kathrano Lurker May 21, 2014 17 0 New York May 25, 2014 #1,364 Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture in a MM cob.. (Second bowl ever) These cobs do smoke great!
mso489 Lifer Feb 21, 2013 41,211 60,666 May 25, 2014 #1,365 Lane's Burley Without Bite in a Parker blast bent cherrywood.
derfargin Lifer Mar 3, 2014 2,028 29 Kennesaw, GA May 25, 2014 #1,366 MacB's HH Vintage Syrian in a bent Dublin.
rangerearthpig Part of the Furniture Now Jan 5, 2014 858 1 May 25, 2014 #1,367 Lane IQ in a Savinelli Canadian.
petes03 Lifer Jun 23, 2013 6,212 10,661 The Hills of Tennessee May 25, 2014 #1,368 PS Lux. Twist Flake in a Peterson "31" System Standard straight Billiard.
ravkesef Lifer Aug 10, 2010 3,045 12,706 82 Cheshire, CT May 25, 2014 #1,369 Missouri Meerschaum Great Dane in a Savinelli Saturnia Billiard.
lordofthepiperings Lifer May 3, 2010 6,553 1,982 Las Vegas, NV May 25, 2014 #1,370 Peterson's Sunset Breeze in a Savinelli Chocolat 920 KS
dottiewarden Lifer Mar 25, 2014 3,053 58 Toronto May 26, 2014 #1,371 Irish Oak, Exclusiv Royal and Cigar Leaf in equal parts in a Chacom Salsa 297
beefeater33 Lifer Apr 14, 2014 4,297 6,950 Central Ohio May 26, 2014 #1,372 Two Friends Redwood in a Larsen dublin
goldsm Can't Leave Dec 10, 2013 430 1 May 26, 2014 #1,374 Drew Estate Meat Pie in a Leonessa Briosa rusticated full bent.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,542 May 26, 2014 #1,375 FVF in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic military mount 320KS author.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,542 May 26, 2014 #1,376 Gawith Perfection in a medium bend 2001 Ural lattice Rhodesian with a yellow stem with white swirls.
cosmicfolklore Moderator Staff member Aug 9, 2013 35,957 85,772 Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC May 26, 2014 #1,377 A lot of Briar Fox has been burned today, and now I am kicking back to end a long evening at the workbench with some ODF in a Savinelli dry-system straight billiard.
A lot of Briar Fox has been burned today, and now I am kicking back to end a long evening at the workbench with some ODF in a Savinelli dry-system straight billiard.
hodirty Lifer Jan 10, 2013 1,295 2 May 26, 2014 #1,379 Gatlin-Burlier's Cumberland in a Savinelli Saint Nicholas 320 KS Author, with coffee. Morning All!
rigmedic1 Lifer May 29, 2011 3,896 76 May 26, 2014 #1,380 Three Nuns in my Dr. Grabow Royalton bent bulldog.