Now smoking Bob's Square Cut in a 2013 bent MM Missouri Pride Legend.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,879 686,142 May 10, 2014 #601 Now smoking Bob's Square Cut in a 2013 bent MM Missouri Pride Legend.
cosmicfolklore Moderator Staff member Aug 9, 2013 35,955 85,693 Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC May 10, 2014 #602 GLP Ashbury in a straight GFB bulldog on the porch with the ukulele. Ukes and bulldogs go together well, and protects everyone from my singing, ha ha.
GLP Ashbury in a straight GFB bulldog on the porch with the ukulele. Ukes and bulldogs go together well, and protects everyone from my singing, ha ha.
conlejm Lifer Mar 22, 2014 1,433 8 May 11, 2014 #604 A local New Orleans B&M's Va/Per in a Peterson Kapries Sandblast B5
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,879 686,142 May 11, 2014 #605 Half way through this bowl of MacBaren HH Latakia Flake in a 1990s smooth Peterson Captain Pete XL80 bulldog.
Half way through this bowl of MacBaren HH Latakia Flake in a 1990s smooth Peterson Captain Pete XL80 bulldog.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,879 686,142 May 11, 2014 #606 MacBaren Scottish Blend in a smooth full bend 1977 Crown Coachman 215 egg (Charatan second).
thesmokindragon Lifer Jul 12, 2011 4,142 4,551 The Matrix May 11, 2014 #608 Solani 633 in Tinsky Dark Blast Billiard w/side of Rusta Maya coffee. Good morning to all
Perique Lifer Sep 20, 2011 4,098 3,886 May 11, 2014 #610 A nice, big mug of creamy coffee with Angler's Dream in a Country Gent. I'm putting a new stall in the barn today as my Mother's Day gift to Mrs Perique, so I envision a several more cobs and a lot more burley in my immediate future.
A nice, big mug of creamy coffee with Angler's Dream in a Country Gent. I'm putting a new stall in the barn today as my Mother's Day gift to Mrs Perique, so I envision a several more cobs and a lot more burley in my immediate future.
papipeguy Lifer Jul 31, 2010 15,777 42 Bethlehem, Pa. May 11, 2014 #611 FMOTT in a Mastro Beraldi pot.
conlejm Lifer Mar 22, 2014 1,433 8 May 11, 2014 #613 Dunhill My Mixture 965 in a Peterson Silver-cap Sandblast Pipe of the Year 2011 Tankard
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,879 686,142 May 11, 2014 #614 Half way through this bowl of Solani Aged Burley Flake in a slight bend rusticated 1979 Savinelli Estella 310 poker.
Half way through this bowl of Solani Aged Burley Flake in a slight bend rusticated 1979 Savinelli Estella 310 poker.
petes03 Lifer Jun 23, 2013 6,212 10,661 The Hills of Tennessee May 11, 2014 #615 Edgeworth Ready Rubbed match in a Playboy straight blasted Apple/Billiard.
keith929 Lifer Nov 23, 2010 2,863 16,899 Central New Jersey May 11, 2014 #616 LL Crown Achievement in a Rad Davis.
Perique Lifer Sep 20, 2011 4,098 3,886 May 11, 2014 #617 Stokkebye Turkish Export in a Foreverstemmed Country Gent.
beefeater33 Lifer Apr 14, 2014 4,296 6,950 Central Ohio May 11, 2014 #618 Elizabethan Mixture in a Georg Jensen bent billiard.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,879 686,142 May 11, 2014 #619 MacBaren Plum Cake in a 1979 no name French briar smooth full bend egg.
pipeboy122 Lifer Jul 6, 2013 3,686 26,391 May 11, 2014 #620 Drew Estate Meat Pie in a Savinelli Roma Lucite 673