My first of three expected eggs today smoking my oxblood colored Pearl Harbor Era $5 Size A >>>Marxman> polished panel and hand rusticated Jumbo made at 27 W. 24 Street, New York City 10, N.Y. by Bob and Helen Marx and their happy band of carvers, full of Smoker’s Pride Cherry Cavendish.

Chapter 10 features two Japanese spies, William Randolph Hearst, Marion Davies, and our man Charlie Chaplin has escaped being assassinated in Japan and he’s sitting by Marion Davies at the 1932 Los Angeles Summer Olympics!
Wow. No wonder Orson Welles included that Rosebud in Citizen Kane!

I gots me the mostest Marxmans, I think.
I need to check my mail and take in my egg and update my wife on this Pearl Harbor Book, she’s always wondering how the latest book ends, you know?

Chapter 10 features two Japanese spies, William Randolph Hearst, Marion Davies, and our man Charlie Chaplin has escaped being assassinated in Japan and he’s sitting by Marion Davies at the 1932 Los Angeles Summer Olympics!
Wow. No wonder Orson Welles included that Rosebud in Citizen Kane!

I gots me the mostest Marxmans, I think.
I need to check my mail and take in my egg and update my wife on this Pearl Harbor Book, she’s always wondering how the latest book ends, you know?
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