Take care of yourself, sir.
You can’t help your loved ones if you don’t help yourself first.
Thanks for your kind comment. This is an update and it'll be business as usual forum-wise for me after this weekend.
I've taken care of my physical and mobility problems as best as I can by moving everything onto one floor of my 3 level house. Biggest problems here are my knees (no ligaments and 2 doctors advising me NOT to have replacement surgery because of other contrainments), and my hernia. In spite of what you may have heard about the vaunted Canadian medical system, it is pathetic.
I'm not going to have the simple orthoscopic hernia operation for at least 8 months. And this is in a town with a University, a University Hospital, and no doctor shortage except for heart surgeons who have departed. So I step carefully especially in this spring weather with a lot of snow - melt - ice - crust, repeat etc. I have a friend who waited a year for heart surgery, got the flight to Vancouver, and surgery was cancelled while he was down there, and he's back on a waiting list. He'll be flying to Mexico to get the procedure done on his own dime.
Most of my friend/family counsel is taking place in my own area of expertise . . . . most of my friends are students and ex-students, who drop over regularly this time of year for a smoke (yeah, the guys between 20 - 28 "get it") and career advice - 'tis the time for graduation, course selection, career options - stuff right up my alley. Trick is NOT to give advice but to steer them into making the best choices. It happens in waves to me this time of year.
Before I made the big leap into the pro music scene, I had 6 or 7 years in Public Education Administration (one of my Masters Degrees is in Educational Curriculum, not Music) and I'm equiped to deal with career stuff. Not involved in "touchy-feelie" helping out lesser fortunates; the very thought of this stuff makes me want to peuk. I leave that for family stuff, and as every guy in this forum knows, our families are all idiots who make their own eye-rolling problems.
That about catches y'all up and you can piece this, Gord's seasonal malady, together from this scattered and off the cuff post. A few more days of midnight skulking should take me into final university exams and soon the snow will be gone and the mosquitoes will be out.
And I'll put ours against anybodys. The entire Prince George area is reclaimed swamp and some of the Southern states guy's will get that. But at least we don't have snakes, so you win!