Relaxing after a wonderful salad and big bowl of white chili dinner with strawberries for dessert. Now smoking a year 2000 La Gloria Cubana Churchill that tastes amazingly delicious.
No it's perfect, I got the stem twisted... noticed after I posted. Great little smoker...though it's a bit smaller than my Dunhill 2103. View attachment 21200
Condor Plug in a meerschaum 'cutty' and then in the words of Samuel Pepys 'and so to bed'. Good night all and don't forget to wash your hands as the latest government guidance says regarding the Corona Virus!
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am about a quarter of the way through this bowl of year 2014 HU Makhuwa in a straight sandblasted black billiard 2013 PSF POY Kaywoodie with an amber colored lucite tapered stem. Watching Johnny Carson.