Now smoking the last of this tin of Dan Tobacco Mellow Mallard in a straight smooth patent era 1952 Dunhill Bruyere ODA apple 806 B124 with a black vulcanite stem.
A third of the way through this bowl of C&D Old Joe Krantz in a 2003 medium bend straight grain Viggo Nielsen sitter with a Cumberland-like acrylic stem. Ice water and bergs is my evening drink.
An aged mixture of Half and Half and Edward G. Robinson Pipe Blend in a favorite old Rogers Select straight-stemmed Prince. The late author Shelby Foote was smoking a mixture of these same two tobaccos as he was interviewed in 1999 by three writers for The Paris Review.
Cup O’ Joes #4 Yeti Flake in a straight sandblasted pre-transition Barling Exel 249 Fossil T.V.F. black billiard with a silver band and a black ebonite military bit.