Hahaha indeed. It was a VERY long day and my body is reminding me of that fact this morning. Unfortunately today I have to seed and roll so I’ll be at it again.C&D Eight State Burley in a Dr. Grabow: Commodore 65 Zulu, dated from 1967-1969, vulcanite stem, metal screw-in tenon, no stinger.
Along with some Organic India Tulsi Lemon Ginger tea. This tea is amazing for keeping the mouth clean and fresh to enjoy the flavors of your tabac, besides all the health benefits of Holy Basil.
Tulsi Lemon Ginger
ORGANIC INDIA's foundational herb, adaptogenic Tulsi, combined with Lemon and Ginger. Enlivening and refreshing, great iced as well as hot. Shop organic Tulsi Lemon Ginger tea today!shop.organicindiausa.com
Be well everyone!
Speaking of wellness, you look like you had a rough one there @alaskanpiper, hope all is well for you too!
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Really nice collection!Just got home from a hot night at work. All of our plant A/C’s were down for most of the night. It was 91 in the maintenance shop, 100 on the production floor, 120 in heat treat, and almost 140 on top of the dryers….. Smoking some well deserved GH Broken Scotch Cake in an Eric Heberling Sandblasted Strawberry Wood Billiard with Black Cumberland Stem and Plateau, with sweet tea on the side.
I also got myself a little decoration for my main upstairs pipe shelf. Just a little tin sign. I figured I’d throw a pic of that in as well.
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