***What Are You Smoking, June 2022?***

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Nov 14, 2020
Well, I was born on this day, and it happens to once again be my B-Day today, but I must give thanks to my father, and all yours too!

Turned 62 today, LOL ? and I still feel like a big kid, and I’m so grateful to be in great health too, so if any of my fellow pipers are struggling with their health, my heart goes out to you. ❤️

Where did the time go, WOW it was a long time getting here, but looking back, in the blink of an eye. ?

I’m not going anywhere, you bastards are stuck with me! LOL ?

So no praises needed for me, I’m just happy to share with you all! ❤️

I’m a computer geek, and we all get the, so many that have no life, and online all the time, etc., well, this forum, goes beyond the stereotypes, and truly shows, how people all around the world can come together, in respect and love towards one another.

I’m really grateful to be here! ❤️

Oh, I had no one to shave for today, just sitting at home chilling, but I shaved a little for you lads and lasses! ;)

So, thanks to the generous heart of @ashdigger, I have this smoke today, for him, all you, and all the fathers! ❤️

Be truly well everyone! ❤️

2012 Samuel Gawith FVF in a 1901 Sam McLardy &. Co. Meerschaum, it’s the first time I’ve ever smoked a meer before, so cool smoking.

FVF felt so fitting for the Era of this pipe, for my first blend in it. :sher:


The FVF in the bowl, ready to light.


This pic is for you all, trying to smile and not drop the bloody pipe out of my mouth. I also don’t want to clench and nick up my nice shiny vulcanite stem, which has no marks either... LOL ?

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Feb 21, 2013
GLP Barbary Coast, cube cut burley with Virginia, Perique, and brandy flavoring, in a Pete 999 Killarney Rhodesian in a red stain with my only P-lip bit. After a day of errands and a call out of state to family. A beautiful mild breezy late spring day in the mid-eighties F. Just gave the two cats their evening treats which they'd been campaigning for for about thirty minutes. Yum-yum. Crunch-crunch.

Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
H&H Caramel Apple Pie in the Savinelli Tortuga 614 Bent Billiard. Sounds like it'd be a bonafide romp in the PG, but surprisingly, it isn't. Super mellow, and not overwhelming at all. Bird report: Common raven, House finch, California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, California towhee, California quail, Northern flicker, Oak titmouse, House sparrow, Red-tailed hawk (keeping the ground squirrels from getting complacent), and White-breasted nuthatch. @EssJaySea don't get caught in traffic...that 110/101/5 interchange is a real bitch late in the afternoon (and every other time too, I guess)!

Had to throw on an extra layer mid-smoke. Summer is a day away, and I'm too cold. Go figure!

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