Bob's Chocolate Flake whilst I wait for my coal to ready for tonights Steak dinner. My daughters will be coming home to celebrate Father's Day with me and my wife.?
Again happy Father's day to all.✌
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am now smoking Wilke No. 44 in a 1970s slight bend black sandblasted English Rustic 120S Billiard (Comoy’s second) with a black vulcanite saddle stem. That cigar sure lasted a long time and it was great. Community Coffee is brewing.
Now smoking Ken Byron Ventures Burlier Morning Pipe in a smooth three quarter bend 1979 made in Israel billiard with a black vulcanite tapered stem. Watching a documentary on JFK's murder.
I had a wonderful Father's Day! I spent much of it sitting in the yard; a gorgeous temperate afternoon, of both sun and gentle breezes. I smoked my favorite, Samovar, in a pipe my wife and daughter bought me, more than 25 years ago, for Father's Day (a Peterson Silver Mounted Army 68).
A tall glass of Honey Jack and Bundaberg Ginger Beer, with a handful of bergs, cooled my throat.
I hope all our Forum friends, who are fathers, had as nice a day as mine.