Not sure, I am about to go for a walk and have 2 pipes packed. A Wild Honey Canadian with Trout Stream and a Cob with Sutliff Medium English. No rain tonight so maybe both will get smoked.
Half way through this bowl of Watch City Deluxe Crumb Cut in a 2016 PSF POY quarter bend black sandblasted Vermont Freehand egg with an aluminum band and a tortoise shell colored acrylic saddle stem.
A few minutes away from smoking D&R VIP in a 2004 smooth long shank Canadian Trever Talbot Ligne Bretagne Faite en Bretagne 4/3 with a black vulcanite stem.
Now smoking Sam Gawith Medium Virginia Flake in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic stem and ferrule 320KS author. Have just a little more work to do before I finish.
A quarter of the way through this bowl of Old Companion in a smooth 1998 Parker 489 three quarter bend Billiard and a black vulcanite stem. A bottle of Mountain Dew made with pure cane sugar is my drink.
Now smoking Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem. Watching Gunsmoke.
McCranie’s Red Ribbon, vintage 1996 in a smooth straight WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Sterling Canadian with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite p-lip stem.
Now smoking Jim's Va/Bur in a 2015 Basil Meadows Bing Crosby Merchant Service replica with a smooth straight thin shank, aluminum band and black ebonite stem. Ice tea and floaty li'l icebergs is my drink. Listening to the Nationals-Dodgers game.