Good day all! Starting this sun-no-rain-clouds Perique-free Florida day with KBV Your Welcome ("matured Virginia ribbon") in a compatible Upshall P Dublin with canted smooth rim and pencil shank with tapered stem.
Smoker's Pride Cherry Cavendish in a Savinelli Erica Fiamma 128billiard (17.5x38.5 chamber), vulcanite stem, 6mm balsa filter, in the shade on a humid 88 degree day heading to 94 before potential rain. I am awaiting an order from Country Squire today and want to get it before it burns up in the sun without my pipe underneath it !
It’s a few hours before work so I’m having a smoke and drink (don’t judge me….). Some GH Broken Scotch Cake in a Neerup Structure Sandblast and a Blackstone Dark Matter Black IPA on the side.