PS Luxury Twist Flake and a big pinch of PS LNF/LBF shavings from the bottom of an old tin that I take with me when I'm travelling.
Good heavens, this is delicious! ::
Now smoking McClelland 5100 in a smooth straight WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Sterling Canadian with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite p-lip stem.
About a third of the way through this bowl of Esoterica Brighton in a black sand blasted straight 1998 XXX Ashton lovat with a black acrylic saddle stem. Sure will be glad to get out from under the ceiling fan so my smokes won't burn so fast. At least they aren't burning hot. Have enough left of this blend for about half a bowl. Taking a short work break because Molly wants some play time.
About a third of the way through this bowl of SWRA in a 1980s straight smooth Big Ben pot with a nickel band and a black vulcanite saddle stem. Have a little more work to do.
Enjoyed a golden delicious apple and my last smoke of the day is Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a medium bend 2002 MM Legend cob with a yellow stem. Reading baseball box scores.
Marlboro Red. Tired, strung out, truck in the shop, breakfast (dinner?) biscuits and gravy at a 24hr Hardees north of Madison. Hey, we can't all be heroes!