Almost half way through this bowl of D&R Two Timer Gold in a smooth full bend 1977 Crown Coachman 215 egg with a black vulcanite stem. This will get me to dinner time. Ice water and bergs is my evening drink. Watching a documentary on Babe Ruth.
Relaxing after a wonderful lasagna dinner and am part way through this bowl of Sam Gawith Medium Virginia Flake in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic stem and ferrule 320KS author. Got twelve new to me D&R blends to review today. That'll keep me busy.
Now smoking McCranie’s Red Ribbon, vintage 2000 in a smooth straight WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Sterling Canadian with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite p-lip stem. Working and listening to the Braves-Dodgers game.
Just finished smoking Old Dark Fired in a smooth medium bend post-WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock Killarney 9BC with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite stem.
Now smoking Watch City Flake #558 in a smooth straight early ‘60s Lane era “William Conrad” Charatan Executive Extra Large stretch apple with diagonal channel cuts on the lower right and left of the bowl along with a black vulcanite double comfort stem. Phone chatting with the fellow who gifted me this great pipe.
Half way through this bowl of Stokkebye Natural Dutch Cavendish in a 1970s medium bend smooth Ben Wade Golden Walnut freehand with a black vulcanite stem. This will finish my smoking day.