First ever Troost Slices in a Peretti straight, smooth apple. VERY smooth and sweet, with different layers of taste. I'm to-eand-fro to Amsterdam a lot this year, so will be getting some more of this easy to smoke blend.
Just finished smoking Edward's Bishop Burley in a 1970s smooth straight grain Savinelli Oom Paul Non Pareil 9504 with a horn ferrule.
Booker: I could have helped you with that food problem, man! :D
Andy: Yeah, the Slices are good. Gonna have another bowl today.
Edgeworth Ready Rubbed in a very much appreciated 1979 brown, slight bend grain etched flat front Stanwell Rego 969-48 (09). Have enough left for one more bowl.
Old College Bulk
An outstanding blend of Latakia, Black Cavendish, Virginia and Burley. A well balanced and surprisingly smooth taste for you and a delightful fragrance for the crowd. ::