A couple of minutes away from smoking C&D Kajun Kake in a 1970s smooth medium bend Stanwell Rego 969-48 Design Choice 837 sitter with a vulcanite stem and ferrule.
I have no idea how old this is, but I sensed the presence of stage coaches and wagon trains as I dug this one out of the back stacks at the B&M. When I popped it open, I swear I heard steam powered engines and train whistles. There's an oily layer on some and little sheen of crystals on other parts and smells strongly of fermented hay. I'm breaking out the Northern Briar warden for this one. ::
I had a half bowl of Nightcap and GH&Co Dark Flake unscented left, so I mixed them in a Savinelli bent pot dry syst 2622. I don't usually mix blends, but this seemed like it would be interesting.
Peretti’s Cuban Mixture in an old grain relief, partly smooth full bend "V" shape bowl Ben Wade Prominence freehand with the letter A and the numeral 2 in circles.
Chelsea Morning in a Stanwell 191 Duke quarter bent bulldog. Pipe Club of London meeting at lunchtime. Ian Walker of Northern Briar is coming down for one of his regular visits, so should be interesting.