Relaxing after a wonderful salad, cod and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm passing the half way mark of this bowl of year 2012 St. James Flake in a straight 1968 Dunhill Tanshell octagonal paneled EK F/T billiard with a square shank and tapered black vulcanite stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. We got some snow. Abner the Eager ventured through it to come here. I dried him off, and after he ate, he went to the couch to snooze on Daisy the Feral Princess' blanket. She was not amused by this. Harry the Hairy showed some sense for a change, and has stayed on the deck in the heated cat house away from the snow. We have two of those and one unheated, but well padded house. Haven't seen Tomato the Brave since early afternoon.