Enjoyed a tasty Envy apple, and am a third of the way through this bowl of year 2016 Sutliff Revelation Match in a straight smooth brown pre-WWII Kingsway (Comoy’s) London Made 61 Canadian with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Finished work for the day. Have one more page to do on this particular story.
Sleepy Suzy was hungry for wet food, so I put a few spoonfuls on a plate for her. She had taken a few bites when we got a sudden surprise. Sam the Scamp was hiding in the cabinet behind her, and came out growling (which he does a lot of), and wanting to eat Suzy’s food. Suzy freaked out and started hissing and hissing at Sam, who hissed back. Since we don’t feed wet food to him or Abner the Eager, I had to pick him up and put him in the den. But, Suzy was so upset that she couldn’t eat anymore, so I put the food up. Eventually, I got her to comeback and finish her meal. Sam came over to me, and laid by my side for reassurance.
Sleepy Suzy and me.
Sam the Scamp takes a nap.