Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am not far from finishing this bowl of Cobblestone Whiskey in a 1979 medium bend etch relief meerschaum lined TinderBox Arabesque with a black vulcanite saddle stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
Exhausted rooste in a Comoys grand slam prince 357c shape. End of stem was in such poor shape I had to trim it back and cut a new button. Workin for me.
Part way through this bowl of year 2010 Mac Baren Burley London Blend in a 2017 smooth, straight medium brown made in France Comoy’s Riband 298 Canadian with a black vulcanite tapered stem.
Did a little snacking, and am not far from finishing this bowl of D&R Penhooker Silver in an undated straight brush etched black Molina apple with a nickel band and a black tapered vulcanite stem. This is a perfect walking pipe for me. Good smoker, light weight and easy to clench. A cup of hot tea is my drink.