Not far from finishing this bowl of Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in the very first pipe I ever smoked (which was my father’s pipe), a late 1950s smooth with etched grooves straight Willard long stem adjustomatic Billiard.
Went ahead and smoked some of my carefully hoarded Sugar Barrel in a MM Missou - just as delicious as I remembered. Now to try some of the H&H Match version...
Finishing off the last of a sample pouch of Mac Baren Modern Virginia loose cut in a Peterson P-lip rusticated straight Dublin.
I got this free with my last order from SPC and I'm glad they sent it. I'm not a big aromatic smoker and probably wouldn't have bought a tin of this just to try it. It's a very nice smoke though and I can see buying a tin now and then even if I don't keep it always on hand.