It might just be my personal mouth chemistry, but for me bright Virginias always sting the everliving daylights out of the roof of my mouth and have the same effect on my sinuses when retrohaled, which I always attributed to the pH of the tobacco. I don't get any sting from Burleys or Latakia, just a little sting from red Virginias, less from stoved Virginias depending on how heavily they're stoved, and none at all from dark fired Virginias. For my mouth chemistry at least the more alkaline a tobacco is the more comfortable a mouthfeel the smoke will have.
Running bright Virginias through a filter does take away the sting to varying degrees depending on the type of filter though. Balsa wood filters have zero effect on it, activated charcoal filters reduce it somewhat, Medico paper tube filters reduce it a bit more, and Dr. Grabow paper tube filters take the sting away completely. I'm not exactly sure what the mechanics of that process are, but that certainly is how it works for my mouth. Your results may vary.