Pembroke is t afternoon smoke of choice. Just waiting for my darling wife to pick me up.
Sounds great!My VaPer (a special mix of Esoterica Brighton and St. James Perique) in a Radice Clear 0 Billiard. This batch has got a couple of years under it’s belt and, man, this stuff is sweet (figuratively and literally).
Very nice grain!Now smoking coffee mill processed Full Virginia Plug in a large Castello Collection kk Candian.
Not really much to say I'm afraid apart from the fact that the guy that sold me antique pipes during the 1970s and 80s had this tobacco which he thought I would like - as well as a small range of pipes with the "Tabako Collegium" stamp - in the shop where he worked in Mayfair, London.Can you say bit more about both those TABAKO COLLEGIUMs? Danish?