Now smoking Ken Byron Ventures Festivus Cheer in a smooth straight late 1970s Charatan Special 4148DC Reg. No. 203573 pot with a black double comfort vulcanite stem. Working and listening to Clapton.
Listing this a few minutes early so I can concentrate on work for a bit: Watch City Rouxgaroux in a 1970's straight rusticated black Savinelli Estella 915 KS billiard with a flared top and pearl brown acrylic saddle stem.
Now smoking Sutliff Dunhill Elizabethan Match in my trusty 1970s smooth three quarter bend Peterson System Standard 305 with a black vulcanite p-lip stem.
Part way through this bowl of in a medium bend 2001 Ural lattice Rhodesian with a yellow with white swirls acrylic saddle stem. Work's done for the day, and it's play time for the cats.
Last smoke of the day is Sutliff J4 Burley in a 2001 black sandblasted three quarter bend Rinaldo Lithos YY bulldog with a tortoise shell acrylic saddle stem.