Irish Flake, cube cut and gravity fed into a Pete Sterling Silver Bulldog.
newfie Starting to Get Obsessed Aug 19, 2015 210 0 Shearstown, NL Dec 17, 2015 #741 Irish Flake, cube cut and gravity fed into a Pete Sterling Silver Bulldog.
jaydublin Starting to Get Obsessed Aug 11, 2015 217 2 Dec 17, 2015 #742 Earlier - Westminster in a Peterson 03. Getting ready to smoke a bowl of Cumberland in a MM Mark Twain cob.
Earlier - Westminster in a Peterson 03. Getting ready to smoke a bowl of Cumberland in a MM Mark Twain cob.
prairiedruid Lifer Jun 30, 2015 2,064 1,396 Dec 17, 2015 #743 Finished some Smyrna and now enjoying Escudo in a cob.
derfargin Lifer Mar 3, 2014 2,028 29 Kennesaw, GA Dec 17, 2015 #744 GLP - Sextant in Irish Seconds Apple.
andystewart Lifer Jan 21, 2014 3,972 5 Dec 17, 2015 #745 Germain's RDF in a black Blakemar cutty. Andy
mso489 Lifer Feb 21, 2013 41,211 60,666 Dec 17, 2015 #747 Frog original in a Lucaino straight blast saddle stem billiard; the big bowl is everything with Frog, from too mild to fully flavorful
Frog original in a Lucaino straight blast saddle stem billiard; the big bowl is everything with Frog, from too mild to fully flavorful
piffyr Part of the Furniture Now Apr 24, 2015 782 80 Dec 17, 2015 #748 During the holidays, C&D's Billy Budd in a Kaywoodie Prime Grain is compulsory. Relatives, however, are optional.
During the holidays, C&D's Billy Budd in a Kaywoodie Prime Grain is compulsory. Relatives, however, are optional.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,769 682,645 Dec 17, 2015 #749 A third of the way through this bowl of SG Cabbie’s Mixture in a medium bend 1983 Ascorti New Dear KS.
A third of the way through this bowl of SG Cabbie’s Mixture in a medium bend 1983 Ascorti New Dear KS.
mcitinner1 Lifer Apr 5, 2014 4,043 25 Missouri Dec 17, 2015 #750 Gawith Hoggarth no. 12 in a Lorenzetti Constantine bent Rhodesian.
pipeboy122 Lifer Jul 6, 2013 3,681 26,233 Dec 17, 2015 #751 Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired in a Peterson Killarney 80s
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,769 682,645 Dec 17, 2015 #753 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem.
Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem.
gr8scott Can't Leave Feb 19, 2014 360 0 Maryland Dec 17, 2015 #754 Black Frigate in a Savinelli Roma Poker
papipeguy Lifer Jul 31, 2010 15,777 42 Bethlehem, Pa. Dec 17, 2015 #755 John Cotton Smyrna in an Il Ceppo.
lordofthepiperings Lifer May 3, 2010 6,553 1,981 Las Vegas, NV Dec 17, 2015 #756 Peterson Holiday Season 2015 in a Peterson Dalkey 106
H hierophant Lifer Jul 27, 2014 1,852 2 Dec 17, 2015 #757 SPC Deception Pass in a 1983 Dunhill Shell Briar panel 41241. My first go at a Seattle Pipe Club blend. I wanted to be able to make a bunch of snarky "this is way over-hyped" comments, but I can't. It's pretty damn good.
SPC Deception Pass in a 1983 Dunhill Shell Briar panel 41241. My first go at a Seattle Pipe Club blend. I wanted to be able to make a bunch of snarky "this is way over-hyped" comments, but I can't. It's pretty damn good.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,769 682,645 Dec 17, 2015 #758 The last of my stash of SG Skiff in a medium bend 2001 Ural lattice Rhodesian with a yellow stem with white swirls.
The last of my stash of SG Skiff in a medium bend 2001 Ural lattice Rhodesian with a yellow stem with white swirls.
jkrug Lifer Jan 23, 2015 2,867 9 Dec 17, 2015 #759 john Cotton's Smyrna in a Peterson Aran Bulldog. ::