I like the way you described the current season and the one that's on its way. I can see a couple of Norman Rockwell pictures in your words. Enjoy your Autumn '12
Gee, thank you for your kind words (!!!).
Maybe I was rushing things a bit (the calendar, the Season), but we're having it a bit cooler recently, daily highs in the 70's when it could be sweltering in early August in MN. Teasing me for the upcoming Fall weather.
I'm anticipating the What Are You Smoking in Sept '24 descriptions of tobacco choices from everybody. I know some have said they don't really change things to honor the change in Seasons, but some do. And then October .... (Yay)!
I'm thinking this Fall, I might spend time trying to grasp more fully Brown Virginias & Dark Virginias (not necessarily Black Virginias). Examples can be Wessex Brown Virginia Flake, Wessex Brigade Campaign Flake, Rattray Brown Clunee, F&T and Butera Browns, etc.
I recently cracked open jars from '12 of GH Brown Flake u/s and GH Dark Flake u/s. I was so impressed with the Brown Flake u/s that I added 8oz to a new TAD. However, I now regret not adding some of their Rum Flake and their American Blend Whisky. To sort of make up for this, I've been adding some Peter Stokkebye P38 Highland Whiskey to both u/s Flakes (home blending). Also thinking I'll try this with some Blockade Runner for the rum effect. Of course, I could also simply do another TAD.