Smoking Amphora Original in a big Rossi bulldog, drinking a cup of LaLlave with cream.
Hats off to you for this project, but do you get bored smoking the same pipe? When you smoke a meer exclusively for hundreds of smokes in a row, what, and how thorough is your cleaning regimen? I only smoke my two meers occasionally but every once in a while I gently scrape off the cake with a very sharp penknife. To be honest, the shank on my pipes only get a pipecleaner regularly but there must be some buildup in there. I'd appreciate your thoughts.John Cotton’s Latakia in an Altinay translucent meerschaum billiard
Like your mug. It adds a whole new meaning to meer Christianity. Of course, I like your pipe too.Irish Tea and a bowl of Watch City Old Dominion in a rusticated Peterson Patent billiard.
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