When Virginia Cream came out I picked up a tin right away, cause I was a huge aromatic guy at the time and was like finally Pease made a blend in the style I like, thank God. I had very high expectations for it. When I had some bowls of it at the time I didn't really like it. The top note wasn't as pronounced as I preferred in an aromatic. I jar'd it up and moved along. Over the time I got more into straight Virginias and VaPers and Burley blends. Learning an appreciation for non-aros made that aros more enjoyable when I went back to them. Fast forward a few years and I'm giving this Virginia Cream another go. It's much better now. The Virginias are more pronounced than I remembered, they're a bit sweeter now 3yrs later. The Dark Fired spicy profile is more evident to me now than it was before. I'm liking the bourbon vanilla topping more now as a light accent instead of being the star of the show. It's really good now in this little Scottie Piersel pencil shank'd sandblasted Dublin.