A mix I put together: C&D Dark Burley, C&D Izmir, C&D Latakia, McLelland's Latakia, and McLelland's cut Perique in a Benton Select no ring 1/4 bent smooth bulldog. Heavy on the Burley with Izmir and 2 to 1 McL's over C&D Lat and a smaller portion of perique. It came out great! A happy success by trail and error, likely never to be duplicated because all I do is eyeball the quantities.
What I really like is that I can put a blend together with quality bulks for less than $2.00 and oz....
Thankfully, Perique makes a difference even in small quantity. It costs around $3.75 oz in 1lb. increments.
(still less than half the cost of a 2oz. C&D blended tin)