Received a package earlier today which included four new tobaccos and one new pipe: Dunhill Flake, Peterson Irish Flake, Hearth & Home Anniversary Kake, and Briar Fox Pirate Kake - along with a Peterson.
Decided the maiden smoke in the Donegal Rocky 999 P-lip would be Dunhill Flake. Very nice.
Dunhill Flake in a straight, smooth Dr Plumb 8751 apple. Another piper - Spanish, I think - is staying in the place next to ours. I'll try to have a chat over the next few days and bask in not being the only pipeman in the area!
Finished Wilderness in a 1949 medium bend black Dunhill Shell. Now, it's FVF in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic military mount 320KS author.
I've been chasing a flavor a lot lately. Today, it has been McClelland's Piper's Choice "Top Hat" VaPer with that 5100 Red Cake flavor. It has an interesting flavor, an unusual sweet and slightly tangy. Great with a Mountain Dew.