Going back outside for some ranch chores while wifey and mustang are out and about, with some well-dried PSLNF in a Stefano rhodesian for afterward.
Bird report: White-crowned sparrow, California towhee, Dark-eyed junco, American crow, American tree sparrow, California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, Hairy woodpecker, Western bluebird, California quail, House finch, and Mountain chickadee (imperfect songs...must be the youngsters getting the hang of it!).
2021 Union Square (from
@AcesAndEights ) in the Medico pot (from
@Servant King .)
I don’t know if it’s the pipe, the weather, or my technique is improving
It's the pipe. I made sure to line the chamber with a thick layer of horse dung before sending it your way. The Kendal ghost seems to mask it adequately.