@ashdigger This one?
The “Four Seasons” range is a collaboration between Samuel Gawith & Stanislow. These four flakes represent the British seasons, each with a distinct taste associated with the time of year. The Autumn flake is comprised of a beautifully blended medium Virginia flake. This finely cut tobacco...
Do you think it would suit the King's Clay?
I think SG Black Forest is the pipe baccy closest to my imagined "Clay King" clay pipe blend:
GQ Tobaccos specialising in Artisan & Factory Tobacco Pipes, Boutique Tobaccos, Snuffs and other smokers accessories
I've tried it in my clay pipes and I really like it!
@simong says I should be smoking SG Cannon Plug at the Sealed Knot events as it's said to go back to the Civil War in the 1640s:
Cannon Plug is arguably one of the oldest tobaccos still in productions. Rumours of records for its use during the civil war have been circulating on line for years. What begins as delightful medium blend of Virginia tobaccos, pressed and aged for a cool and nutty flavour. Best brown flake is...
I could even have an uncut block of Cannon Plug on the living history table at re-enactments!