Peterson's Irish Flake in a Savinelli Roma 623 Bulldog pipe.
I really like the view from my deck, but you've definitely got me beat! This will be the first time in 10 years we haven't gone to the gulf for vacation. I need my salt air fix!
Was this Bones a natural when you started and is this how it has colored as you've smoked it or is that a finish that Bones put on it?
Heh, I was never a Trekkie, but i found myself watching TNG a few months back and really enjoying it. One of the joys of the show is how nicely all the crew members interact with each other. They recognize each others strengths, weaknesses and quirks, and they all appreciate each others contributions and work together exceptionally well. Wish I could find a workplace like that!Peterson Nightcap in a MM Washington natural corncob. About to turn on some Next Generation. "You have the bridge, Number One".
I never was either until about a year ago. I like Deep Space Nine and Voyager a lot too. If you liked TNG you should check those two out as well.Heh, I was never a Trekkie, but i found myself watching TNG a few months back and really enjoying it. One of the joys of the show is how nicely all the crew members interact with each other. They recognize each others strengths, weaknesses and quirks, and they all appreciate each others contributions and work together exceptionally well. Wish I could find a workplace like that!
Smoking Dark Flake U/S in an unfinished Sav Lumberman. Have a bowl of Chelsea Morning in a Bluebird Rhodesian on deck.