For a brief moment, I thought you said GUANO.
Now that is a pandemic meme.

You may know the story about boys from Eton being forced to smoke pipes during The Great Plague of 1665-1666 ...
“For personal disinfections nothing enjoyed such favour as tobacco; the belief in it was widespread, and even children were made to light up a reaf in pipes. Thomas Hearnes remembers one Tom Rogers telling him that when he was a scholar at Eton in the year that the great plague raged, all the boys smoked in school by order, and that he was never whipped so much in his life as he was one morning for not smoking. It was long afterwards a tradition that none who kept a tobacconist shop in London had the plague.”
(A. J. Bell writing in about 1700).
... and about the various benefits of Guarana making this blend doubly useful during these challenging times that we find ourselves in.