Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am part way through this bowl of year 2001 VaPer Three Nuns in a 1980s White Pipe straight lattice apple meerschaum with an acrylic yellow cream colored saddle stem.
Drying some Rattray's Wallace Flake for my first smoke in a Pioneer Gourd Calabash. Big shout out to my bro, @BROBS for the hookup! Much thanks, my friend!!!
Just past the half way mark on this bowl of Wilke Lizzie Blood Virginia in a straight 1960s Lane era Charatan black with burgundy undertone sandblasted billiard 420 with a black vulcanite tapered stem.
Started the day with some Peter Heinrich's Dark Strong in a Savinelli Long John rusticated Canadian. Now the pups & I are in the yard playing ball and tormenting the squirrel population. Smoking a Liga Privada T52. I forgot how much I enjoy Drew Estate.
Just finished smoking Brigadier Black Sherman’s March in a smooth straight late 1970s Tinderbox Selected Grecian Briar Dublin with a tapered black vulcanite stem.
Now smoking year 2010 Amphora Original (Brown) in a medium bend dark brown 2017 Don Warren 17 smooth straight grain rough top Dublin with a multi-brown cumberland stem and ferrule in the military mount style. Have enough left for a bowl or two.