Relaxing after a wondrous, big, thick rib-eye steak and a corn on the cob dinner with two slices of freshly baked egg custard pie for dessert. M'lady noticed I haven't had any Haggen Dazs ice cream for a long time, so she bought a pack of vanilla, chocolate coated ice cream bars. Of course, I had to have one!
I'm almost a quarter of the way through this bowl of Dan Tobacco Ascanian No. 1 Soft & Unique in a smooth quarter bend straight grain dark brown 2001 Karl Erik Ekstravagant with a wide bowl that recedes to a point at the bottom, with a wood inset as a ferrule and a black acrylic decorative saddle stem. Haven't smoked this pipe in quite a while, and the tobacco is new to me, being a gift from a friend.