C&D Riverboat Gambler (burley, Va., Perique and Turkish) in a Luciano straight blast saddle-stem billiard; this tin is from the old C&D days in Morganton, N.C.
Relaxing after a terrific Mexican dinner with a bowl of Esoterica Dorchester in a 2018 smooth straight flame grain Basil Meadows Merchant Service "Bing" replica with an aluminum band and black ebonite stem. Have enough for part of a bowl. Home now and watching the Braves-Reds game.
Now smoking Lane Limited Ready Rubbed in a 2016 PSF POY quarter bend black sandblasted Vermont Freehand egg with an aluminum band and a tortoise shell colored acrylic saddle stem. I may finish the night with this smoke since I have to get up very early tomorrow.