Continuing this rainy Sunday with Newminster No. 17 English Luxus in an MM Ozark…
...and a small public service announcement...
I have trouble turning down interesting work or leaving friends in the lurch with problems that they can’t handle. As a result, I am way overextended with pipe work and wait times have become far too long. So, after signing off, I will be maintaining radio silence for the next several weeks. I need to devote every spare minute to the work so that I can get your cherished companions back into your hands and clear the books.
All apologies to those of you with work still in the queue. Rest assured that not a one of you has been forgotten. It just takes time to give the work the kind of attention that you and I both require of it. Hopefully, you will find the results to be well worth the wait.
Keep the embers burning, my friends, and I’ll report back as soon as I’m able. Cheers!