McB's Old Dark Fired (sample courtesy Forums member) in my wife's Christmas gift pipe, a Savenelli Opera Rhodesian 673, which is emerging as among my best
Glad you liked Chatham Manor, Newbroom. So do I. It's better than Carter Hall.
Time for some latakia with a bowl of The Smoker Legacy in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl.
Now smoking one of my favorite tobaccos of all time: Dunhill Navy Rolls in a much cherished smooth straight grain three quarter bend 1979 Becker M 4 heart brandy. I gave into temptation and opened a two year old tin when I opened the two year old bag of Tilbury.
Needed more perique, so I'm smoking Arcadian Perique in a mid-late 1930s straight black grain relief Dunhill OX Shell bulldog with a silver band repair.
Now smoking FVF in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic stem and ferrule 320KS author. Still working and listening to the audio book of Casino Royale.