My beers of the week, some are february entries

Belgian Tripel, very good middle of the road tripel, brewed with 5 grains which is quite special for belgian beer
Duvel Moortgat

Strong Golden Ale, for some a staple, I dont bother with it much, but this was the next best thing on the beer menu.
Both during a farewell diner with my best co workers as I start a new gig within the same company tommorow.

chocolate stout, 95% cacao bitterness in the back
Sudden Death

pastry stout, vanilla and hazelnuts galore
Funky Fluid

session IPA, very light, more like a bitter lager
Hop Hooligans

fruited sour, the name suggested it right, very vinious almost tannic sour. I like red wine that way, the sour fermentation made it, for lack of better words, weird

dark strong ale, trusty and good as always