Short answer, "Scotch" If you can afford single malts then that opens a can of worms. Smokey with lots of peat, look for Islay single malts. For softer single malts Jura comes to mind. Maybe Abelour cask strength or hell any Scotch with "Glen" in its name will work. For blended Scotch I reach for J&B. It was Dean Martin's go to if that tells you any thing.
If you like drinks on the sweet side pick up some Drambuie mix with J&B in a shaker w/ ice. It is called a "Rusty Nail" very smooth, dangerously smooth. I think if bourbon drinkers tried a Rusty Nail they would like it a lot.
Oh wait are you pouring the booze on tobacco to flavor it? Drambui might be good as it is sweet made with honey and scotch. I like tobacco flavored with rum most of the time. Never mixed it though I just buy blends with rum in them. You might try some Jim Beam or the even sweeter Jack for that matter to flavor tobacco with?