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Dec 28, 2012
Well it started on Wednesday with my two day cleanse for my Friday Colonoscopy. Guys after 50 get scoped every few years! This up coming Friday my birthday gift is an upper GI. :crazy:
Back to Friday. I woke up, had a bowl of BBF deciding to occupy the hunger pains from starvation by shifting some exotic wood around in the shop. I set a 1"x10"x4' Zebrawood board along with two 1"x8"x4' Monkeywood on a stand about three feet off the ground. These woods are around four times heavier than pine. I turned with some more wood, knocked them off and landed on my foot that has titanium rods and bolts running through it down the toes. Total scream and choice words as the searing pain flew up my leg. I sat down for a bit as the throbbing started to swell with a *facepalm*.
A call to my podiatrist got me a 3:40 appointment to follow my 12:00 Colonoscopy. So I hit the hospital and had to wait two hours before getting scoped. Woke up at 3:00 and told the nurses to "remove the IV, my foot is broken and I've got a 3:40 appointment." I'm hobbling as fast as possible out of the hospital with my wife, since you're not supposed to drive for 24 hours. I live two miles from the hospital, drop off the wife, speeding all over the road :crazy: I make it on time.
The doctor had a hard time reading the X-rays with a road map of all the healed bone lines. Three of the pins showed space which meant netting came loose on those pins. So now I'm wearing a boot waiting to see what's healed in three weeks. This was not one of my better days. :crying:
Ended it on a good note! It was time for a refill on the smoking box. Opened a couple cellar boxes and grabbed some jars from 11/12.
50g of SG BBF

50g of H&H AK

50g of H&H LR

50g tin of Escudo
So the box is back to a full ten rotation, and of course the weather has finally turned. :cry: I'll be on the couch at least a few days puffing back to health. :puffpipe: Just finished watching season three of Games of Thrones checking the new jars. The BBF is sublime. The reds in the LR have sat down and the AK is dark and sweet.



Feb 21, 2013
You are a tower of saintly patience. Hope everything goes great with your health.



Oct 15, 2013
Good Grief! Makes me count my blessings.
I have to say, I've been a coward in respect to the over 50 exam. My wife thought she'd be an example for me and went first. Turns out they didn't sterilize the scope from the previous exam so she had to come back every three months for an HIV and hepatitis screening. Thank God the tests all came back negative, but it's made me think twice....



Mar 19, 2013
OK, Craig - you just had to remind me that it's that year again (every 3 years for me). Hope everything is sh*t, I mean ship-shape!
You know that they have pills now instead of the awful drink - my wife had it last year, said it was way easier.



Can't Leave
May 31, 2013
Crap man. That's a heaping pile o' stuff! Good on you for getting scoped. We had a thread on colonoscopies a while back and some guys had some horror stories about what can happen if you put it off. Glad the pipe is helping keep you sane.

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