Well Well Well MOLD!

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Jun 3, 2015
My Bijou is molding in the jar. I opened it when Chasing Embers had his issue. Everything looked cool then. Jarred it, did a check today and it's got some mold in there, I can see it through the glass. Will be reaching out to The retailer, see what happens.

Jan 8, 2013
I hope C&D can nip this. I hate hearing all these horror stories of moldy tobacco. It's a real shame. Other than some of their blending tobaccos, all I've been ordering from them is Black Frigate. So I think I'm safe. But I was wanting to order more red virginias for blending. Should I contact whoever I order it from to make sure they're not getting their red virginias from C&D?



Aug 12, 2014
Since I was cellaring for the short and very long term, it's a shame but anything made by C&D is off the radar for me. Just not worth the chance.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 5, 2016
Damn it. I'm thinking of getting some Cellar Series, might be too much of a risk.



Feb 13, 2013
Hmhaines they recently switched the anti-fungal agent they've been using, I don't know what was wrong with the one before but they never had issues like this except for a few. I don't think there's an issue with black frigate as the rum would act as an anti-fungal agent I would guess. The thing I find ridiculous is the fact that a tobacco that was made to cellar is having issues, therefore you could wait 5-10 years like it says on the cellar series to crack a tin, only to find you've got a mouldy mess. It kind of defeats the purpose of cellaring. I stated a while back they should've done a product recall with bijou as well, but was assured that chasing embers 2 tins of bijou were the only problem they'd had, even though 2 of his 10 tins had this problem, and apparently more of them did but he didn't publicly announce it. I just wonder how many people simply threw away their tins or have them waiting in the cellar before the magnitude of this problem really is known, or if the company will even exist anymore. I'm kind of a consumer like that, if I had a problem rather than going through the trouble of sending a tin back I would probably just write the company off, kind of like if you had several bad bottles of scotch or something. My older brother has written off a whisky distiller because several of the bottles were off tasting, which were replaced by more off tasting bottles, which was verified as off tasting by the liquor store experts. So he's just vowed to never buy that whisky again.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 5, 2016
Yeah, I've been mostly put off of buying their stuff. I really want to try a bunch of their blends, but I don't like the risk. Sad, really.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Perdurabo, that's very sad thing to hear. I hope you can solve it. They have really nice blends and I don't want to see them disappear.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
My latest tobacco infatuation is the D&R line.

I've brought in several one lb bags of various Daughters and Ryan blends and have found each to be a high quality leaf with good flavor and burning characteristics.

One thing about D&R is that their blends are DRY.

I watched a clip with Mark Ryan who said in it that he tries to get his leaf down to about 16%, thus eliminating most if not all mold tendency.

Most of the C&D blends I have are bulks..so far no mold. I love C&D tobacco, but Ryan's may be every bit as good.

If you're concerned about the tobacco apocalypse you can add to your cellar inexpensively AND effectively with this line of tobaccos.

There's a 20% off sale continuing this month (Oct. 2016) on D&R tobacco, you cannot go wrong!



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 9, 2015
As has been mentioned, I would say my biggest concern at this point is other C&D blends that use the Red Virginia in them. I just grabbed 3 lbs. of OJK. Though it's not a high percentage, it does have Red VA in it.
Would be great if someone from C&D or SP.com would chime in here and either acknowledge or update us on the status of this issue. I know they have been dealing with the hurricane, but the silence is deafening for C&D fans and supporters.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 31, 2014
FYI, the two tins of GLP Temple Bar that I opened recently were both showing spots of mold.
SP.com are sending me another two but I don't know whether to just keep them and cross my fingers or open them as well. Ideally I wanted to age this blend in the tin, but that may not be a good idea.



Can't Leave
May 21, 2013
Would be great if someone from C&D or SP.com would chime in here and either acknowledge or update us on the status of this issue.
They may at some point, but right now I think they are working hard to recover from the hurricane. Last update stated that they are still trying to get their shop back up and running.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 31, 2014
Sadly I have already binned mine, on the instruction of SP.com
If the same thing happens again then I will take a picture and post it.



Jun 3, 2015
I've been lazy about the tech issues surrounding pics on this forum and stayed away from posting pics because of the round about way to do it. I posted this last night to add to the community and in the name of the scientific method. I agree totally that pics would add credibility. Depending on what the retailer wants to do, I will take a picture if I have to open the jar and place it in the original tin. I really don't want to open the jar, the molded tobacco is at the bottom of the jar, making it difficult to get a photo, anyway. (Glare Heaven) If opening the jar is required, I'll take a pic of the mold and then do what I must to get it on the forum.



Oct 14, 2014
Yep. It's a pain. But there are many reports in the last few days and it would be helpful for the folks at spc to see that you/we aren't all nuts.
Sykes post from 2 months back when Duane first posted about his moldy Bijou.
Various stuff guys:
1) Note that the OP said that this was from the same batch as the other tin he had that had mold. That's the only production date we've had reports of mold on for Bijou and we've had very few reports. That production run was 1,200 tins. We've had a tiny handful (total isn't handy because the guy tracking this (Ted) is on a plane right now, but we're talking 3 or 4 tins) from that run with reports of problems. We've smoked dozens from that run ourselves and haven't encountered mold. And at this point, we have to assume that most of those tins have been opened and smoked and it has since been through five more production runs (ranging in size from 240 tins to 1,000 tins).
2) We've already offered to compensate the OP.
3) We've fixed the production problem.
4) A lot of the present consternation is simple a function of the fact that this is news because of CRF. It's sort of like fear of flying. Flying is orders of magnitude safer than driving, but plane crashes are newsworthy and spectacular and car crashes are routine and boring, hence flying seems more dangerous. Similarly, on the heels of us asking for CRF back, it seems like this is all part of some newsworthy pattern, when no pattern exists. The examples brought up in the past few weeks (of which we're up to 10 we know of) are from batches spread across more than two years and (again, aside from CRF) represent something like 1/60,000th of production during that time.
I know it seems like this is happening all over to 'everybody,' but it's sort of like plane crashes in the news: they seem like they happen with some frequency because they tend to dominate the news cycle, but it's really vanishingly rare by comparison to the number of flights globally annually. Similarly, this is on everyone's mind because of the CRF mess made news (which really was our screw up), not because there's anything systemic.
So, I've read a number of comments suggesting various vague calls for us to get to the bottom of this. We have. We've fixed the CRF problem, we've reformulated our mold inhibitor for everything, we ran tests for mold issues on various products in various states and we will happily replace tins with problems. Should 3 or 4 out of 1,200 tins from a production run that had problems negate the experience of the other hundreds of people who didn't encounter problems, smoked it and were happy (me included, having gone through three tins myself)? Especially given we want to replace those tins for the customer.
I get that there's a desire that we 'do something,' but we're already doing many somethings. We've told you what we're doing.
I think it's perfectly reasonable for the OP to be irritated that he had two tins from the same batch that developed mold and we want to help him with the problem. Is there something else, given the rates of failure we're talking about in an organic product, that the OP (or someone else) thinks we should be doing?
Other questions:
The tin insert. It's not the problem (it is treated), but you're correct to spot the pattern. Because of the way the mold inhibitor was formulated pre-CRF for flakes, cakes and plugs, it was more likely to be a problem on the sorts of things that have the tin insert than don't. Of course, we're still talking about edge cases: 1/4000 or lower.
Sykes Wilford



Can't Leave
Apr 29, 2015
This is gonna be a real dumb-ass question, and I'm not willing to test it myself, but...
What would happen if you smoked moldy tobacco? Do we absolutely know it's a bad idea?
I mean, the right kind of molds make cheese awesome. Penicillin is useful. Probably some other stuff that escapes me at the moment. Do we know that moldy tobacco is bad, or we just making a (very likely correct) assumption?

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