Today is "Rememberance Day" when Commonwealth countries commemorate the end of WW2 which occurred on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, and we all buy little red silk Flanders Poppies to remember those who died in battle from WW2 until today and continuing, with proceeds going to war widows etc.
I feel sick to the pit of my stomach, my new pipe now has indents from reading this news story. Surely this couldn't/wouldn't happen in USA, would it????
I want to know who the hell this business is so I, friends and associates can avoid ever buying any of their products, using their services or supporting them in any way ... HOW DARE THEY ... and I’ll bet the vile workers who complained were of a specific, violent religious persuasion.
It’s one thing to pander to these displaced mongrels that come here in their droves, but this goes beyond anything I could’ve ever dreamed possible on this soil so many have died to keep safe and belonging to us, the true blue Aussies and those imports who come here but are grateful and pleased to be accepted e.g. the Vietnamese ... god help this bloody stinking mess of a country ....:
Where’s that famous Vietnam Vet "Angry Anderson" when we need him, he’d be mortified and have this business turned inside out & upside down, in the gutter, where they deserve to be.
I feel sick to the pit of my stomach, my new pipe now has indents from reading this news story. Surely this couldn't/wouldn't happen in USA, would it????
I want to know who the hell this business is so I, friends and associates can avoid ever buying any of their products, using their services or supporting them in any way ... HOW DARE THEY ... and I’ll bet the vile workers who complained were of a specific, violent religious persuasion.
It’s one thing to pander to these displaced mongrels that come here in their droves, but this goes beyond anything I could’ve ever dreamed possible on this soil so many have died to keep safe and belonging to us, the true blue Aussies and those imports who come here but are grateful and pleased to be accepted e.g. the Vietnamese ... god help this bloody stinking mess of a country ....:
Where’s that famous Vietnam Vet "Angry Anderson" when we need him, he’d be mortified and have this business turned inside out & upside down, in the gutter, where they deserve to be.