Life is to be enjoyed, and in enjoying life (and not) folks get hurt, and that’s okay. But again, even at a super simplified level, between an stress-relieving sport that is a great workout and smoking, I’d still pick skateboarding. Just wear a helmet and pads, I doubt he or she wouldn’t, if they took after my pragmatism. Even if they didn’t and got hurt, that’s also okay, and they’d learn to be smarter about it, and if not, that’s life, that’s humans, baby. Either way, smoking or skateboarding from a health standpoint isn’t a good idea, but for those passionate about either, good for them. If it means enjoying life and not going out of the way to hurt anyone, go nuts, people go out of the way to do things they don’t enjoy with little to no care about others anyhow.
Regardless of either or anything at all, people get hurt, and that’s okay.
People hate smokers and people hate skateboarders, hell, some people just relish in hating, but screw them.
Smoke pipes, skate or die, enjoy life, get hurt, and all hail Rodney Mullen.