I'll go against the grain on this one.
I've inherited a Peterson Dublin 80s with a huge chip out of the side that lives in my center console. So far, it's surviving the Canadian winter with no detrimental effects. I do allow it to warm to my hand before I apply flame though. I know my great-uncle used to take this a step further, and leave his pipe on the patio (he lived in Winterpeg, much more extreme climate than Vancouver sports).
My biggest concern with her isn't the briar cracking, but the tenon breaking free due to expansion and contraction. I do notice that the pipe doesn't "breath" to the same degree as my "indoor" smokers, likely due to the higher humidity; and as such requires a deep clean more often, but it still smokes like an old Pete should.
I also keep a pouch of Amphora Original Blend in the center console; but that's not doing it any favours...more for those "Oh crap" times when I run out the door without any tobacco and don't have time to stop. As one would expect, it dries out when the humidity drops, and ends up over-moist when it rains for a month straight...