Folks I just came across this account of time spent on Possesion Island by explorers in the 1820s;
"Their [elephant seal] teeth we used to form into the bowls of pipes, and to this we would attatch the leg or wing bone of some fowl, which together formed a very good apparatus. Having no tobacco, we smoked the dry grass, and although it was but a poor substitute we were obliged to be satisfied with it."
Quoted in W.H Tilman Mischief among the penguins.
Elsewhere Mr Tilman talks of a sherpa who was such a smoking fiend he would smoke a lump of charcoal from a mound in the ground that had a channel leading to it to draw through.
"Their [elephant seal] teeth we used to form into the bowls of pipes, and to this we would attatch the leg or wing bone of some fowl, which together formed a very good apparatus. Having no tobacco, we smoked the dry grass, and although it was but a poor substitute we were obliged to be satisfied with it."
Quoted in W.H Tilman Mischief among the penguins.
Elsewhere Mr Tilman talks of a sherpa who was such a smoking fiend he would smoke a lump of charcoal from a mound in the ground that had a channel leading to it to draw through.