Sweet pipe!
I have a soft spot for older WDC.
You always do a spectacular job of cleaning them up, so I eagerly await the pix of your magic hands!
I can't offer much on the history of frat pipes, but here's a slew of googbook clips of relevance.
You can easily find many old WDC adverts online too, which are well worth searching out.
This link has a lot of WDC pipes:
There is a dreamy, ruminating expression in his deep-set eyes as his hands toy caressingly with a time-battered fraternity pipe. Listen —a long sigh, the certain forerunner of verbal evaporation. "Ah me! those halcyon days of yore!"
- extract from a 1909 college yearbook
1912 poem
line 12...
1903 article discussing the tradition of smoking the class pipe...
1917 article...
1918 article...
1926 advert,
typewriter and pipe?
I love it.
WDC university pipe from 1923:
contains BBB ad and an Edgeworth ad...
Penn State Collegian, 1928
somewhere in the text it says "1911 CLASS PIPE RELIC ADORNSDESK OF REGISTRAR HOFFMAN."
A good example of what old college newspapers looked like, often containing quite a few ads.
Optical Character Recognition, or OCR, is a process by which software reads a page image and translates it into a text file by recognising the shapes of the letters...
The text below may not be accurate because it's OCR generated and I didn't take the time to correct any of it, but it does convey the general gist of things...
Bowdoin Orient
"The Class of 1904 at Yale has decided to make Maine Society, Sons of the American Revolution, held at Portland, Monday. a radical change in the annual class day exercises next June. The reading of histories by the four class historians will be omitted and instead, the class poem and oration will be read on the afternoon of class day, and be followed by a humorous speech to be prepared by the class historians and spoken by W. W. Thomas of Yarmouthville, Me. one of their number. The personal grinds on members of the class will not be allowed, as all references in the speech to any class must be anonymous. The reason given for the change is that the custom of referring to every member of the class ford Falls, read a paper at the meeting of the Maine Academy of Medicine, held recently in Portland, on has become tedious with the growth of the classes. The smoking of the class pipe and the planting of the class ivy will be continued."
unrelated, but interesting:
"In lecturing the Lower Juniors of Chicago University, Professor Clark said: "The average student appointment of postmaster at Brunswick. is an unthinking, unpractical being. He has no right to spend great sums for a dance while the "old man stays out in the rain and gets rheumatism. A man owes more to his college than to whoop up football nonsense. I'd like to see him whoop up some Whiltier's work and recent experiments with blood serum appears in last Saturday's issue of the Leiv- things that need whooping more. Fraternities that don't pay their debts, as most of those in this University do not are disgraces to us; they are tj'pes of absolute immorality. You are all beggars! You are paying $120 a year for an education that costs the University $300. You are objects of charity. What are you doing to justify it? The poor man in Silver Works at Providence, at a salary of $5,000 per annum. About six years ago Dr. Parker went the stock yards pays taxes to help educate you." Members of the Kappa Sigma fraternity from assembled in Boston for the first conclave of the banquet at Hotel Essex. George H. Stickney of Lynn, was the toast-master."
An odd trio of pre-1900 class pipes: