Was this pipe a false economy?

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Oct 26, 2022
Hi. New member here.

I recently decided to start dabbling in the world of pipe smoking. I used to smoke cigarettes but quit years ago by taking up vaping instead. I never "enjoyed" the taste of cigarettes but as I understand, pipe smoking should be an enjoyable flavourful experience.

I bought a cheap Sarome brand briar pipe from a UK retailer online, plus some Gawith Howarth American cherry vanilla, coffee caramel, and Peter Stokkebye Kentucky maroon/nougat.

I've only smoked my pipe 3 times (2xCV 1xKN) and so far I'm feeling a little unfulfilled (I realize this isn't uncommon).

I know there are lots of variables as to why my pipe doesn't like to stay lit, why I'm not getting any real notable flavour other than "burning tobacco", and why I'm not getting the joyful relaxation that pipe smoking is said to bring. But I can't help wondering if the cheap pipe (£21) might have something to do with it.

The draft hole in the shank is drilled high and slightly to one side, there's a depression/sunken area inside the chamber above the draft hole, the tenon doesn't hold a 9mm white elephant filter without me wrapping in cigarette paper to fatten it up (it's a 9mm filter pipe), and the coating in the chamber appears to be blistering and flaking off around the inside if the rim.

Is this a case of "buy cheap buy twice" or is this still a perfectly serviceable pipe?

I'd also considered getting a Molina starter set (about £35) or a Savinelli One starter set (£60).

Thanks gents.

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 20, 2022
West Wales
I was curious about Sarome myself and look forward to seeing the answers.
When I asked about budget pipes. Falcons, Corncobs and Barber B Line were suggested.
There were fans (and haters) of each, but they should be otherwise good value.

Actually, I don't recall negatives about Barber B line.
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Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
It’s more often user error than a problem with the pipe Itself.
Those issues with your pipe are minor. It should smoke fine

Dry your tobacco to the point where it won’t clump when you take a pinch. But not quite to a crunchy dry state.

Fill the pipe quite loosely. Don’t jam the tobacco in.
Use a tamper lightly and judiciously.

Sip, rather than puff vigorously. A hot smoke is acrid and produces lots of steam / moisture.
Which leads to gurgles and a mass of wet, skanky dottle.

There are quite a few threads as well as YouTube videos devoted to “How To ……..”

I hope you persevere.
And be rewarded by some sublime bowls.


Dec 16, 2014
North Carolina
Your current pipe is good enough to see of pipe smoking is something you'll stick with, the issues you mention more likely related to the tobacco you're using, packing, cadence etc. -- more on that later. If you want to be sure that the pipe is not the issue then a Missouri Meerschaum is your huckleberry -- inexpensive and completely reliable as a smoker.

For aspiring pipe smokers I recommend starting with a codger blend (e.g., Carter Hall, SWR, etc.) these blends are forgiving of issues with drying, packing and cadence. Once you get those things sorted out it will be time to move on to more complex blends if desired. Aromatic tobaccos (like cherry/vanilla stuff) can be challenging to smoke successfully and can be punishing to those not accomplished, IOW I don't recommend them to beginners.

Pipe smoking requires more skill and patience than smoking cigarettes or vaping. The learning curve need not be steep, the skills are not hard to master plus there's lots of good info and advice here.

Dr. Van Loafer

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2022
We all have suffered through what you are experiencing. Pipe smoking is an art and akin to marriage.

I would also recommend a corn cob as they are cheap and reliable.

Lastly, consider checking out on YouTube either Muttonchop Piper or The Pipe Nook (Eddie Gray), both those channels have indepth playlists on how to smoke a pipe.
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Oct 26, 2022
Thanks for the feedback so far. I've done a load of online research and youtube viewing. I get like this when I have a new interest haha. As far as easy smoking reliable codger blends, any recommendations for some that are readily available in the UK? I'm guessing St Bruno is one?


Oct 26, 2022
Just to add. Any recommended blends from Gawith and Hoggarth? Those are available to buy bulk in 15 or 25 gram pouches so are inexpensive to sample which seems ideal.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 20, 2022
West Wales
Unfortunately Carter Hall, Sir Walter Raleigh, Half and Half etc are not available in the UK.
Is there a UK equivalent?
A straight virginia perhaps. Feel free to shoot me down. I don't actually know what I am talking about.


Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 15, 2021
I'm UK based & an ex cigarette smoker. I've never smoked a pipe with a filter, but otherwise nothing you've mentioned sounds like it will cause significant issues.

It's been a while since I looked, but GQ used to do samplers of the year - which gave a pretty good selection of different types of tobacco & allowed me to find a few I really liked. Your tastes will probably change though as you smoke more.

What I liked & what I thought I'd like (based on the descriptions) turned out not to be the same things at all!

That said, I do think having nice pipes adds a lot to the experience. But most of it is just practice!


Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 18, 2022
New Orleans, LA
You could try a balsa wood filter as well. They’re usually single session use but might fit better. Or you could ditch the filter altogether, if your pipe came with an adapter.
Doubling down on the drying the tobacco replies. Aros are especially moist & usually 20-30 min. On a tray or paper plate are needed.
I’m new to the hobby myself, so I’ve gone down the rabbit hole on YouTube & on line articles. But you’ve come to the right place. Lots of knowledgeable people on here that are happy to offer advice.
I’d also like to add that it helps to get in the right head space while puffing. Sit down, put on some good music, get a beverage of choice, & unwind. I typically don’t smoke my pipe throughout the day. Usually after work or after all the household work is done on the weekends. It’s a reward for a day spent doing things I had to do. This is something that is just for me. Slightly selfish, but I’ve earned it. Good luck!
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Jul 17, 2017
As someone who quit cigarettes using Vape as well, and someone who began pipe smoking expecting aromatics to deliver strong flavors other than tobacco, I'd like to give you a couple things to note before you go forward.

If you don't enjoy the taste of burning tobacco, pipe smoking may not be the thing for you.
There are basically 2 categories of aromatics.
1. Heavily topped tobaccos that mask the flavor of the tobacco. These require the most technique and experience to be able to actually enjoy without them turning into a hot acrid mess.

2. Tobaccos that are cased and topped in a way that the added flavors compliment and work with the tobacco flavors.

Both of these will still taste like tobacco to a greater or lesser degree and neither of them will be the flavor blast you're used to from vaping.
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Oct 13, 2015
Welcome to the wonderful world of pipesmoking!
My advice to anyone starting out is go for a Falcon pipe & St. Bruno or Condor. If, after trying those you still find the experience somewhat ‘underwhelming’ then the pipe is probably not for you.
I’d personally avoid Cobs, filter pipes & foreign pipes. If the looks of a falcon put you off then try a Parker London Briar or spend £20 extra & try a Peterson in the ‘Aran or Kildare’ lines. Attractive (to me) traditional shapes with comfortable vulcanite stems.
Tobacco wise ‘the world is your oyster’ as they say.
Sample sized packs are definitely the way to go. Must try’s from Gawith Hoggarth’s include;
Brown Flake Unscented
Broken Flake #7
Rich Dark Spring Dew (formerly Honeydew)
Mixture #25
Exmoor Mixture
Westmorland Slices

stick with it & give the pipe a good go, hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as the rest of us.


Oct 26, 2022
As someone who quit cigarettes using Vape as well, and someone who began pipe smoking expecting aromatics to deliver strong flavors other than tobacco, I'd like to give you a couple things to note before you go forward.

If you don't enjoy the taste of burning tobacco, pipe smoking may not be the thing for you.
There are basically 2 categories of aromatics.
1. Heavily topped tobaccos that mask the flavor of the tobacco. These require the most technique and experience to be able to actually enjoy without them turning into a hot acrid mess.

2. Tobaccos that are cased and topped in a way that the added flavors compliment and work with the tobacco flavors.

Both of these will still taste like tobacco to a greater or lesser degree and neither of them will be the flavor blast you're used to from vaping.
I do understand that "flavored" aromatic aren't gonna taste like a desert, but I've still been a little disappointed that so far I don't even seem to taste a hint of the toppings. Having said that, I suppose that having not tried any "straight" tobacco blends I have no point of comparison. I've seen that it can take a while to be able to appreciate the nuances in the flavour of the smoke, similar to tasting wine, whiskey or coffee.


Dec 31, 2021
Your pipe looks fine. If the stem can go through pipe cleaner, then it's serviceable. Try to use wet tissue to wipe the chamber a bit, but not to wipe too hard, the coating will come off if wipe too hard.
If it doesn't fit filter, try not to use filter. There are many no-filter user here 😁. The pipe doesn't stay lit could be a few reason, pack too hard, or the tobacco is not dry enough.

Whether your pipe is a cheap pipe or not, it doesn't really affect the smoke. I have a franken pipe, no name, but it smokes quite well. If you want to try another cheap but smoke-well pipe, you can try corn cob pipe, if you can accept how it looks. Corn cob pipes have bigger draught hole, easier to clean. Basically, you don't really need to clean them. And because of the corn cob material, it makes it smokes differently from briar pipes. Keep trying, I was like that when I started smoking pipes, even until now I'm still trying. Happy pipe smoking 😊.
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Oct 26, 2022
As someone who quit cigarettes using Vape as well, and someone who began pipe smoking expecting aromatics to deliver strong flavors other than tobacco, I'd like to give you a couple things to note before you go forward.

If you don't enjoy the taste of burning tobacco, pipe smoking may not be the thing for you.
There are basically 2 categories of aromatics.
1. Heavily topped tobaccos that mask the flavor of the tobacco. These require the most technique and experience to be able to actually enjoy without them turning into a hot acrid mess.

2. Tobaccos that are cased and topped in a way that the added flavors compliment and work with the tobacco flavors.

Both of these will still taste like tobacco to a greater or lesser degree and neither of them will be the flavor blast you're used to from vaping.
I do understand that "flavored" aromatic aren't gonna taste like a desert, but I've still been a little disappointed that so far I don't even seem to taste a hint of the toppings. Having said that, I suppose that having not tried any "straight" tobacco blends I have no point of comparison. I've seen that it can take a while to be able to appreciate the nuances in the flavour of the smoke, similar to tasting wine, whiskey or coffee
Welcome to the wonderful world of pipesmoking!
My advice to anyone starting out is go for a Falcon pipe & St. Bruno or Condor. If, after trying those you still find the experience somewhat ‘underwhelming’ then the pipe is probably not for you.
I’d personally avoid Cobs, filter pipes & foreign pipes. If the looks of a falcon put you off then try a Parker London Briar or spend £20 extra & try a Peterson in the ‘Aran or Kildare’ lines. Attractive (to me) traditional shapes with comfortable vulcanite stems.
Tobacco wise ‘the world is your oyster’ as they say.
Sample sized packs are definitely the way to go. Must try’s from Gawith Hoggarth’s include;
Brown Flake Unscented
Broken Flake #7
Rich Dark Spring Dew (formerly Honeydew)
Mixture #25
Exmoor Mixture
Westmorland Slices

stick with it & give the pipe a good go, hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as the rest of us.
Thanks. I'd considered their exmoor mixture as it seems the latakia is applied sparingly.


Nov 26, 2018
It's not the pipe. Looking at the pictures, they are serviceable. What you are experiencing is common to beginners. Smoking pipe won't be as satisfying as fags until you are experienced. You won't get throat hit, huge clouds nor satisfying immediate nic hit. But when you get to that future point, everything will be more enjoyable. Suffer little longer.
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Oct 26, 2022
It's not the pipe. Looking at the pictures, they are serviceable. What you are experiencing is common to beginners. Smoking pipe won't be as satisfying as fags until you are experienced. You won't get throat hit, huge clouds nor satisfying immediate nic hit. But when you get to that future point, everything will be more enjoyable. Suffer little longer.
Thanks. So I have got some enjoyment from it so far, just not as much as I'd hoped, but I probably had unrealistic expectations. Just because an aromatic smells good enough to eat in the pouch, doesn't mean it'll taste like it smells and I get that. I'm sure it's just about experience and acquiring a taste for tobacco smoke.

Thanks for the responses so far. At least you chaps have put my mind at ease that it's me that's at fault rather than the pipe...

Doesn't stop me eyeing up nicer pipes online though :col:
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Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Dry your tobacco more, pack looser and show down. If you packed too loose, use the tamper to compensate. Smoking 3 bowls as experience would be like trying to be a scratch golfer after 3 swings. If pipe smoking were as easy as cigarettes and Cigars, I'm not sure cigarettes or Cigars would even exist. It takes time.